Annual Meeting 学会年会


2024 SCSL Annual Meeting  will be held onsite only. 


Date:   March 15, 2024 (Friday),  2024年3月15日星期五

Time:  9 AM -1 PM, 上午9:00 – 下午1:00

Venue:  Seattle Public Library, Level 4, Conference Room 1

9:00    Registration 年会报到、注册(咖啡、茶点)

9:15    Call to Order 年会开始 

9:15    Welcome Remarks 学会致辞(杨玉蓉)

9:20    Report of the Committee for General Affairs 总务委员会报告(朱润晓)

9:25    Report of the Committee for Information Exchange 信息委员会报告(陈晰)

9:30    Report of the Committee for Professional Activities 专业委员会报告(邹秀英)

9:35    Report of the Editorial Committee for the Journal 学刊编委会报告(周珞)

9:45    Group Photo 集体照

10:00  Research Forum Hosted by the Committee for Scholarly Activities 学术委员会主持学术交流

12:00  Lunch and Social 午餐及交流

12:10-12:30  Airiti New Products and New Services 華藝(王蘭心) 

12:30-12:40 Guangxi Normal University Press 广西师大《天禄论丛》新书发布

1:00      Adjourn 休会

The meeting is open to all. Registration is required. Contact: Runxiao Zhu < <>.  

Research Forum Hosted by the Committee for Scholarly Activities学术员会主持学术交流(张颖

10:00  Report from the Committee on Scholarly Activities 学术委员会报告 (张颖)

10:05 -10:45 Book & Translator Panel 西學漢譯 Translating the West to the East (王维 主持)


  • (美)嘉约翰编著 ; (美)李国庆, 陈垚译, and J. G Kerr. 代广州旅本 Guide to the city and suburbs of Canton . 广东人民出版社, 2023.
  • (英)格雷夫人著 ; (美)邹秀英, 李雯, (美)王晓燕译 ; (美)李国庆统校, and John Henry Gray. 广州 Fourteen Months in Canton. 广东人民出版社, 2019.
  • [美] 贾晋珠 (Lucille Chia)著 ; 邱葵, 邹秀英, 柳颖, 刘倩译 ; 李国庆校, et al. 利而印: 11至17世福建建的商出版者 Printing for profit : the commercial publishers of Jianyang, Fujian (11th-17th centuries) . 福建人民出版社, 2019.
  • 邓赛, (美)李国庆整理, et al. 中国研究外文旧籍汇刊 : 中国语文. 第一辑. 广西师范大学出版社, 2023.

10:45-12:00  Project Presentations and lightning talks 项目演讲 (傅良瑜 主持)

  • 刘静 & 汤文辉. 《振振公族》成书体会分享 (13 min.)
  • Joan Wang & David Romney. Asia in Saint Louis: Synergy of Library Instruction, Digital Humanities, and Community Engagement (13 min.)
  • Ying Liu. Teaching to Impact: A Toolkit for Embedding Wikipedia Editing in Asian Studies Curriculum (13 min.)
  • Xi Chen. Rediscovering China Studies Special Collections in Liberal Arts Colleges in the U.S. 再访美国文理学院中国特藏 (7 min.)
  • 马小鹤. 从陕北看世界 (7 min.)
  • Tang Li. Curating Library Exhibits: Practical Insights and Tips (7 min.)
  • Q&A (15 min)