Annual Meeting 学会年会



Date: March 15, 2021 (Monday), 2021年3月15日星期一

Time: 10AM – 1PM (Pacific Time), 上午十点 – 下午一点 (太平洋时间)

Venue: Online  Registration (by March 14): 

Program (LINK):

10:00 – 10: 05 am: Opening remarks by the president 学会主席致辞 (Xi Chen 陈晰) 

10:05 – 10: 20 Committees’ reports

Report of the Committee for General Affairs 总务委员会报告  (Joshua Seufert 邵玉书)

Report of SCSL Financial Management 学会财务报告 (Shuyong Jiang 蒋树勇)

Report of the Committee for Information Exchange 信息委员会报告 (Yao Chen 陈垚) 

Report of the Committee for Professional Activities 专业委员会报告 (Xiuying Zou 邹秀英) 

Report of the Committee on Scholarly Activities 学术委员会 (Su Chen 陈肃) 

10:20 – 10:30 Announcement on the journal of the society 天禄论丛 (Xi Chen 陈晰) 

10: 30 – 10: 50 am: SCSL 10th anniversary celebration (Xi Chen 陈晰) 

Past presidents’ remarks: Guoqing Li 李国庆, Tao Yang 杨涛, Ding Ye 叶鼎, Zhijia Shen 沈志佳, Hong Cheng 程洪

10:50 – 11:00 am: break 茶歇

11am–12:40 pm: Committee for Scholarly Activities Presentations 学术委员会主持学术交流 (Su Chen 陈肃)

1. Library collections and discoveries (40 min)

The Digitization of Chinese Rare Books and Classics in UC Berkeley / Peter Zhou 周欣平 (10 min)

Exploring Chinese Rare Books at USC / Tang Li 李唐 (10 min)

The Discoverability of Library Digitized East Asian Collections and Its Implications for Collection Development / Xiang Li 李想 (10 min)

A Beijing Opera LP record held in the Princeton University Library  = 从普大馆一张京剧唱片说起  / Shuwen Cao 曹淑文 (10 min)

Q&A session (10 min, moderator Jianye He 何剑叶)

2. Research projects (25 min)

Modern Libraries in China: A Very Brief History = 中国的现代图书馆事业:一个极简史 / Jidong Yang 杨继东 (10 min)

Chinese Studies in the West: The Chinese Record = 中国研究外文旧籍汇刊 —中国记录  / Guoqing Li 李国庆 (5 min)

Sources in Chinese History: Diverse Perspectives from 1644 to the Present, 2nd ed. (Routledge) / Jade Atwill 杨玉蓉 (10 min)

 3. Creating primary sources (10 min)

Experience on Exploring External Funding Support–Pitt and Dartmouth case / Haihui Zhang 張海惠 and Nien Lin Xie 谢念林 (10 min)

 Q&A session  (10 min, moderator Julie Wang 王晓燕)

12:40- 12:45: closing of the official meeting 休会 (Jiaxun Wu 吴嘉勋)

12:45 – 1:00 pm: Q&A discussion and informal gathering continues in Zoom breakout rooms (Joshua Seufert 邵玉书)

Available Rooms

  1. Main Room 
  2. Library collections and discovery (Peter, Tang, Xiang and Shuwen)
  3. Research projects (Jidong, Guoqing and Jade)
  4. Creating primary sources (Haihui and Nien Lin)
  5. SCSL anniversary
  6. Informal exchange