According to the our Constitution, the mission of SCSL is to promote scholarly activities, professional exchange, information sharing, and project cooperation among Chinese studies librarians, so as to make contributions to China studies in general and to Chinese resources study in particular.


  • The SCSL members are Chinese studies librarians who join the organization of their own free will. The SCSL also accepts applicants who are not Chinese studies librarians yet possess a strong interest in conducting research on materials related to China studies.
  • The SCSL members pay a one-time entry fee of $180 to be officially affiliated with the organization. No annual membership fee is required.
  • The members enjoy the privileges of participating in SCSL activities, playing a role in decision-making, voting in important matters, and serving as officials of the organization.
  • All members are entitled to equal rights and equal opportunity in the organization.


  • Fill out the SCSL Membership Application Form
  • Write a check or money order for one hundred eighty dollars ($180), payable to “The Society for Chinese Studies Librarians”
  • Contact Ying Liu ( for the mailing address, and mail your check or money order to that address

For questions regarding the application, please contact the Chair of the Committee for General Affairs.



  • 中国研究图书馆员或有兴趣从事中国文献资源研究的非馆员均可志愿加入学会。
  • 新会员入会需一次性缴纳180美元会费,缴费后即成为终身会员,无需另缴其他费用。
  • 学会会员享有参加学会活动、决定会务、选举和担任职务的权利。
  • 所有会员地位平等,机会均等。


符合学会成员资格的同仁,请网上填写学会会员报名表,并将一百八十美元的汇票或支票 (抬头请写 “The Society for Chinese Studies Librarians”)邮寄至学会。请联系协会总务委员会主任柳瀛(以询问邮寄地址。 
