Annual Meeting 学会年会



Date:     March 24, 2021 (Thursday), 2022324日星期四

Time:     10:00 am – 1:00 pm (PDT), 上午十点 – 下午一点 (太平洋夏令时间)

1:00 pm – 4:00 pm (EDT), 下午一点  – 下午四点(东部夏令时间)

Please register in advance for the meeting at:   

Program (LINK):

1:00 – 1:10 pm (EDT): Opening remarks by the president  学会主席致辞(Jiaxun Wu 吴嘉勋)

1:10 – 1:20 pm (EDT): Remarks by recent SCSL retirees 向近期 SCSL 退休人员致敬 (Jiaxun Wu 吴嘉勋)

1:20 – 1:50 pm (EDT):  Reports from Committees and Task Forces 委员会和工作组报告 (Joshua Seufert 邵玉书)

  • Report of the Committee for General Affairs and announcement of election results总务委员会报告及公布选举结果 (Joshua Seufert 邵玉书)
  • Report of SCSL Financial Management 学会财务报告 (Shuyong Jiang 蒋树勇)
  • Report of the Committee for Information Exchange 信息委员会报告  (Yao Chen 陈垚 )
  • Report of the Committee for Professional Activities 专业委员会报告  (Xiuying Zou 邹秀英)
  • Report of the Committee on Scholarly Activities 学术委员会报告 (Su Chen 陈肃)
  • Task Force Report on Handbook Revision and Document Collection of SCSL SCSL 手册修订和文件收集工作组报告 (Tang Li 李唐)

1:50 – 2:00 pm (EDT): Break 茶歇 (Jiaxun Wu 吴嘉勋)

2:00 – 3:40 pm (EDT): Committee for Scholarly Activities Presentations 学术委员会主持学术交流 (Su Chen 陈肃)

Research Activities   (Jing Liu 刘静) (50 min)

  • Nongji Zhang 张农基 (Harvard Law Library). Dos and Don’ts of Publishing a Book with Harvard Asia Center  在哈佛亚洲中心出版一本书的体会. (10 min)
  • Tao Yang 杨涛 (Rutgers). A Reinterpretation of the Han Bamboo Manuscript Zhao Zheng Shu   西汉竹书《赵正书》的重新解读 . (10 min)
  • Julie Wang 王晓燕 (SUNY Binghamton). A Story Behind of a Medal — President Glenn G. Bartle and His V-12 Chinese Unit  枚勋章背后的故事:巴图校长和他的民国海军培训班.  (10 min)
  • Tang Li 李唐 (USC). Exploring Republican China in the USC Digital Library: An Experimental Metadata Analysis. (10 min)
  • Live Q & A (10 min)

Library Projects (Jianye He 何剑叶) (45 min)

  • Xiang Li 李想 (U. Colorado Boulder), Yao Chen 陈垚 (UC Santa Barbara), Lucy Gan 甘露 (U. Toronto) & Chengzhi Wang 王成志 (Columbia). A Review and Reflection of the Pinyin Conversion Project at U.S. Libraries  对美国图书馆的拼音转换项目的回顾与思考.  (10 min)
  • Ying Liu 柳瀛 (U. Victoria). Anti-Asian Racism in B.C. during COVID and web-archiving  疫情期间加拿大卑斯省的反亚裔歧视和相关网络资源存档.  (5 min)
  • Su Chen 陈肃 (UCLA) & Chengzhi Wang 王成志 (Columbia). An update of the Chinese Studies Scholars Oral History Project  中國學學者口述史項目最近進展.  (10 min)
  • Li Wang 王立 (Brown). Digital Humanities-Scholarship and Chinese Studies: New Fields and Trends of Research Services in North American Academic University Libraries  数字人文-学术与中国研究–北美大学图书馆研究服务的新领域、新趋向.  (10 min)
  • Live Q & A (10 min)

3:40 – 3:45 pm (EDT):  Remarks by the President of Next Term  下届学会主席致辞 (Joshua Seufert 邵玉书)

3:45 – 3:50 pm (EDT):  Closing of the Official Meeting 休会 (Xi Chen 陈晰)

3:50 – 4:00 pm (EDT): Q&A discussion and informal gathering 问答讨论和非正式聚会 (Joshua Seufert 邵玉书)